Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Two Types Of Moms?

Pretty much there are only 2 types of Moms.  Normal moms, and moms like me.  

Most people around here are christian, white, working for a living and praying for the best.  Yankee pride.  Well, I'm an outsider x 3.

We moved to Maine from Texas, when I was in 5th grade.  So I didn't have the same values that people born and raised here had.  #not-normal-because-culture 

Also, I wasn't raised with the church, so I have never read the bible and I don't know the stories or characters or songs.  We were raised with astrology and crystals and tarot cards and rituals and talismans and even spells.  #not-normal-because-religion

And if that's not weird enough...

No one in my family ever went to college, or had a real career (other than astro/tarot readings).  My mother never even went to high school.  She came from a family of criminal gypsies.  So I didn't really understand what college was for until my junior year in high school.  It was never an issue for me because it didn't apply to me.  I wasn't going to go and I always sort of knew that.  

 Is this how all "the poor people" are because I'm guessing yes.  It is actually a different culture, with different values passed down from one generation to the next, isn't it?  You didn't realize how segregated you were from "the poor people" did you?  No wonder you don't understand the big picture.  

I feel black, speaking in this context.  Because this is the context that black people (and other minorities) get lumped into, and I feel it.  Because I lived there with you guys.  And in Texas I was the minority, in Garland, where white kids were few and far between. 

So, normal Moms, I'm talking to you right now.  You were brought up a certain way and you are probably still mostly that way and teaching that way to your children.  That's normal.  You might even feel that Yankee pride swell a little when you hear my story, and thank God you didn't have to grow up like that.

Of course the down side to "normal" is that you will raise your children in a bubble that YOU DIDN'T EVEN CREATE and hold them back from knowledge and experiences under the guise of "keeping them safe" because the ugly truth is that you believe that your way (God's way?) is the only way.  That if people don't experience the same things you experience, then there must be something wrong with those people, it must be their own fault.  #normal-because-we're-us-and-they-are-them  #america #christians #oblivious #whitepeople #classists #afraid-of-everything #ignorant #brainwashed #misplaced-pride #what-are-you-so-proud-of-yankee

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