Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Logical Look At Life After Death

In death, we assume we will find relief from physical pain and mental/emotional conflict.  That's why we have words like suicide and euthanasia. 

Everyone seems to agree that:
1. Death brings Peace. 
2. Peace is the opposite of Conflict.

There are only 2 ways it can go if you think it's gonna be peaceful:

1.  you could cease to exist at all
2.  you could go on to some other type of existence where you know everything

Most people like the idea that everyone who has died is at some sort of eternal family reunion, and will be there to greet us when we arrive.  

Ok, well, let's pretend that is true for a minute, and apply the peace logic... 

How would we experience peace on the other side?  Without a body, the experience would be mental, and also would have to be instinctual in order to perpetuate our species.  Which indicates genetic memory/collective knowledge becoming conscious knowledge and you would know everything there is to know when you cross over. 
"oh, it works like this"
 "so this is how I fit in"
"so this is what I must do next" 
No conflict to be had there which is peace.  
Which takes away your options.  And your free will.  You would have to take your place in nature's larger mechanism, as a gear in the wheel of some cycle that is perpetuated by a quest for evolution of the species, which is more important than who you were when you were alive that one time.  You would have to have no ego at all, basically you'd have to give it up to perpetuate the species and reincarnate or otherwise add to the evolution.  Which sucks because I always wanted to be a ghost.  But I wanna be a ghost that is me!  My dreams have been shattered!  By me!
I shattered my own dreams!

Well, maybe some of us are fucking special and we get to be ghosts?

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