Thursday, November 27, 2014


Why?!  What do you mean, "why"?  It's 2014, and all that information is available for free on the internet.  Everybody knows it's a bogus holiday, so why are we still "going along" with it, thus supporting the rewritten history lesson that supposedly justifies it?

time off work/school
family gathering
big meal
football games
holiday shopping

time off work/school
family gathering
too many carbs
football games
holiday shopping
inaccurate stories perpetuated, lies still taught in some schools

Some people follow tradition because it's tradition, and no other reason.  Wow, look at you blindly following tradition without really understanding how and why this came to be a tradition!

I tend to question everything, and do research until I can make my own decisions, based on the facts.  That way, I never have to feel insecure.  (If you struggle with insecurity, start doing this- it works!)

Here's a little known fact: we can have dinner, family gatherings and football anytime!  We don't need thanksgiving and all the misinformation surrounding it.  We don't need to follow "tradition for the sake of tradition"- that mentality is holding us back.  We could be creating new and meaningful traditions that don't celebrate genocide.

In conclusion, I will enjoy this day as a regular day off, deciding for myself how this day will be spent.  And to those of you busting ass cleaning and cooking in "tradition prison", well.....


Monday, November 3, 2014

So-Called "Elections" Have Us Believing We Have A Voice When We Really Don't

I can't participate in elections because I don't trust them.  Even if I like one candidate over another,  I can't help but wonder what is going on behind the scenes.  The system itself is flawed, even rigged.  Politicians are actors.  Candidates are bought, in exchange for money they will "stand for" whatever their sponsor paid for.  And if they're in it for money, then they are not going to be a good leader.  The general population is naive to the horrible things that are done and then lied about.  Even people who are good hearted and want to do the right thing, won't- because they are conditioned to uphold the status quo and will defend it rather than help to facilitate change to better the world.

In other words, we all know that "corporations are evil" because we've heard it, but we still go to the mall.  We all know we should recycle but sometimes it's just easier to throw it in the trash next to your desk than bring it out to the recycle bin when you come out of your cube.  

We need to put our heads together to come up with an alternative to voting.  Voting is not working like they said it would.  They lied.  We've been had, fuck those guys, enough already, let's come up with something else.

Oh wait, I'm not being controversial enough.  

Your vote doesn't count.  It doesn't matter anyway, the global system is fucked.  You should feel guilty for not recycling.  Commodity is the opposite of humanity.  Money is worth more than human life.  True story.  You should feel guilty for spending money on stupid shit.  You should also feel like a moron for thinking that everyone has more money than you therefore you need to make it seem like you have as much or more than them.  You idiot, we're all poor.

Stop buying stuff!  Make it yourself, fix it yourself, read and learn and do something for yourself god dammit!

Also, fuck anti-feminism and Mens Rights Activists and people who think religion is anything other than insanity.  Fuck you guys for going to church and inflicting your make-believe world on your children and fucking them up the way your parents fucked you up- I hope you enjoy feeling guilty and drinking too much.

And you're fat.