Thursday, August 21, 2014

"American Freedoms" Don't Apply To American Citizens, And Nobody Told Us

#Ferguson....   Just the latest example of the way America really is....  I have never been so afraid in my life.  And I am not easily scared.  I tend to conquer fear and anxiety with knowledge.  Knowledge is power, so if you're worrying about something, learn all about it.  Usually, understanding eases anxiety and fear.  However, when it comes to the United States economy and culture and policies and conduct and omfg- it does not ease the fear, it only magnifies it.  The more truth I take in, the more I withdraw.  Which sucks for you because I'm fucking smart, I don't compete with women (I got a man), and I have so much to say, so many ideas, and I want to help PEOPLE.  I really do.  I don't care about money or fame, nope, I care about the culture/world/people that my children will have to exist in when I'm gone.  And in this police state of a country, and my big balls, I could be killed for spreading truth, instigating change- of course a made-up reason, like I had a gun or I was being violent or aggressive, would be in the newspapers and that would be the end of it.  Well, for the record, I have never shot a gun in my life and I don't even have access to a gun, or know anyone who has one, etc, so. If I were to become a voice of revolution, it wouldn't have anything to do with violence or guns.  My revolution is about Gardens and Greenhouses and Community....  seriously, my revolution = get off the fucking grid.  Stop paying taxes, stop paying middlemen, stop funding corruption!  Simple as that!

Unfortunately, We the people are BRAINWASHED.  Try to tell someone to stop paying taxes.  They think I'm nuts.  Even my boyfriend is still brainwashed (although he's come a LONG way!) to think he should play the stock market to gain "wealth", because he has a deep seated need to keep up with the Joneses.  Poor dear.  He doesn't know what I know: that the stock market, the federal reserve, the OLD MONEY actually will not let him join their club- oh no they will fuck him and everyone they can fuck until they are the only ones left.  did you know the Federal Reserve has no allegiance to the US?  Nope.  Foreign OLD money.  America isn't old.  To the rest of the world, we're just a stupid kid.  And THAT IS the federal reserve.  Americans ARE stupid.

You know what, Americans generally are REALLY STUPID.  And I hate to say that and if you read that and you feel insulted and angry and you're getting defensive and you wanna hate me for it, well,  that just means that you know how stupid you are.  Maybe you don't like to read.  Maybe nobody taught you how to be SMART and your ego prevents you from asking for help.

Maybe I need haters.  Maybe I need to be challenged.  Maybe I should stop being polite for a change and start telling people the fucking truth.