Sunday, May 8, 2016

Be The Heroine Of Your Story

Sansa begs to marry the prince.
Your life is your movie, and you are the protagonist.  You can't help how your story started, but you can take control now.

Think about your character arc.  In any story, the main character starts out one way... 
My dream come true!

...and ends up different.  Their conflicts or struggles teach them something and they grow.

Now consider a basic story arc.  The first act establishes the characters and setting.  The second act will present a problem.  The third act is where the protagonist feels defeated and has given up all hope, and the conclusion is the final showdown, where the hero will triumph by using what he has learned.

If you want to be the triumphant heroine in your life, consider this:

The main character is their own worst enemy when they have preconceptions about what is to come.  
Sansa didn't understand disillusionment.  Now she does.

The character experiences a rude awakening and it helps them understand the big picture.  

This understanding leads to their triumph!

Sansa learned the hard way: ignorance is not bliss. 

Apply this to your life by becoming the author of your story.  Assume the position of the third person omniscient storyteller.  

Separate your ego- the character- from yourself- the author.  And be honest with both of yourselves.  

If you can do that, you can think about how your own preconceptions will lead you to a rude awakening, a better understanding, and eventual triumph.  

In other words:

Challenge yourself, and you'll be prepared when life challenges you.

 The right thing to do seems wrong when you don't have all the facts.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Moms Of Maine Need To Know This

click here for Robert Reich's video

In Re: the facebook group "Moms of ME" or something.  It's a group of moms swapping stories and offering advice and shit.  And sob stories, too.

Almost every Maine mom says this: 

"I work more than one job to make ends meet, plus I have to do the house and mommy stuff, and I'm so tired and scared and miserable and I have to pay for daycare so I can work too much and I didn't sign up for this and I'm unhealthy and depressed."

My response to that is this:

"Apply for social services.  Get in the system and start getting the assistance you need.  It's called mandatory spending for a reason!  It's our money to use and if we don't use it, we will lose it!"

The response to my advice is this:

"We make too much money to qualify"

"How dare you tell people to go on welfare that is just wrong!"

"the state can't afford to take care of us!"

"You may be ok with freeloading off the government but I am not!"

Did you read the words on that pic of Robert Reich up there?

You need to understand mandatory spending.  

There is enough money for all of us, but if we don't use it, we'll lose it.  And there's proof all over the internet.

Below I've listed a few links to locals who have written about this issue.  

Of course Robert Reich has been saying this kind of stuff for a while now.  In fact, he mentioned in one of his videos that the whole country should be on medicare; that it would be better for negotiating the rising health care costs.  He also has a video explaining how we've been conditioned (brainwashed) to see welfare (socialism) as a bad thing.  

click for video!
Let that sink in for a minute.  We've been brainwashed to feel bad for needing/using "benefits" (even that word is part of the brainwash) that are essentially our share of the taxpayer generated income, that we've paid into every year!  

And it's MANDATORY that they spend it on us!!!

We have rights to these funds, but we've been made to believe we don't by those who want to steal them!  Like Republicans!  Like Lepage!

Anyway, watch these videos, read those articles, and then go online and apply for EVERY SERVICE.  Even if you think you don't qualify, that doesn't matter.  If enough people apply who are over the limit they have to raise the limit!  Again, if you don't understand the big picture, you have to either trust me or google it yourself!  And I fuckin' dare ya!

I'm trying to educate you, so you feel the appropriate amount of betrayed by your Governor, Paul LePage.

Don't feel guilty or ashamed, because it's not your fault we were tricked!  It's not your fault they shipped all the jobs out.  Our government fucked us, and our economy, and that's why we're all poor!  

Trade your second job for welfare, for fucks sake, because being a Mom is your job.  If you don't believe me, ask your kids.   The next generation is more important than your pride, right?  Plus that pride isn't real, it's old brainwash.  Think about it.  

The federal government gave Maine millions of dollars for welfare, and LePage and Mayhew think it's their own personal slush fund.  

Go read the links, and these aren't all- there's more if you search.

Go online today and fill out an application for TANF, SNAP and Mainecare.  And HEAP.  And WIC.  Do it for the growing number of Mainers living in extreme poverty.