Monday, November 2, 2015

Decoding The Mysteries Of Myself

I took this free strengths test, and got a detailed report for free.  What did I get out of it?  Well, it was accurate.  My main results were 

1. potential cultivator (cultivator of potential)
2. integrator
3. thinker
4. student
5. presenter

Afterward, they offered me a free personality test, which I took.  Then they gave me a peek of the results, 

main quality: problem solving

and offered me the detailed report for $3.95.  Which I bought, and I'm glad I did.  It was so accurate I actually cried.

The take away was that they've classified people into 4 basic personality types- artisan, guardian, rational, idealist.  Each of those 4 has a subset.

So within the personality type "rational", for example, there are 4 subtypes- field marshal, mastermind, inventor, architect.

Rationals are sparse, an estimated 5-10% of the population, and architects are as rare as maybe 1% of the population.

No wonder I feel so alone!  

It's kind of a relief to know that, odds are, no one will ever understand me.  That being said, maybe now I can figure out how to write jokes that work.

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