There are many things in this world to care about; many reasons in life to feel distress. Too many for any human to manage all at once, therefore, these cares must be prioritized in order to function in our lives.
I have racked my brain and wrecked my eyes trying to come up with solutions to global problems. Yes, really, I read and research and learn and get upset and brainstorm and debate and discuss- and those who know me can attest- I'm one of those people who can't "just listen", indeed I must fix it. Not in an OCD way- the bottom drawer in my kitchen is technically still broken even though I "fixed" it, but hey, I'm not made of money, so it can wait. Many things to pay for in life, and one must prioritize. But I digress- This is about "many things to care about", and I am setting you up for a brilliant punchline. ;)
So getting back to all the things there are to care about, like the exploitation of the earth's natural resources, rape culture, feminism, racism, classism, the apparent goal of all police, EMT and government entities to kill off all the black people, America's betrayal of its own Constitution, the economic disaster we're in, the island of trash in the Pacific, I could go on and on...
In conclusion, everything you say is a reflection of who you really are and what you really care about in life, and whether you are aware of it or not, smart people like me are totally judging you.
Celebrities, fashion, gossip, getting famous or rich, are all very low on my list of prioritized cares. Hemming those fucking curtains is dead last.
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