Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Twin Flames

 twin flames = soul mates = split aparts = BORG

I don't know how I feel about these theories but I have had some experiences lately that triggered this research. There's a lot of people talking about this on the internet.

Some say your twin flame shares your soul, that you are 2 halves of a whole. One is positive one is negative, like 2 ends of a magnet, and this polarity is how you know you found each other. One is divine masculine and one is divine feminine. I wonder if I might be the DM, and my other half is a masculine man on the outside with the DF soul. Wouldn't surprise me.

Some say when you meet your twin flame, you start thinking about them constantly, and they show up in your dreams and daydreams, as this is your souls recognizing each other subconsciously and talking to each other in the quantum realm. 

And you begin to notice other synchronicities, messages from the universe popping up everywhere, like numbers, songs, people randomly talking on the street saying what you need to hear, a relevant commercial coming on, strange things like that. And your psychic powers, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, telepathy, astral projection etc all intensify, simply due to meeting.

A quantum entanglement, they call it. 

I need to untangle my own soul either way. If we're one soul, then I get to you through my own soul. Not to be all Ayn Rand but I need to do what I was born to do, not what you were born to do, and I say that not knowing either of those things,

and if there really is a quantum existence where we connect, then


also if there is a collective then technically we're all soul mates

also I wonder if its more likely that we exist in a quantum parallel universe and our soul mate is really just ourself in a parallel world, born as the opposite gender perhaps...

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What Should I Do? What Would You Do?

 I don't talk about this because I'm embarrassed, I guess... but if I avoid the problem then I'm not solving the problem. Actually I've just been living with it for almost 10 years now. It's like I just accepted it like "ok I guess this is me now" but in any other country they would have just fixed me... am I such a brainwashed American that I just do what my country tells me to, instead of fighting for my health? and a normal life? 

Physically recovering from anal surgery is 10 months where you're basically in bed on morphine, on a liquid diet.  The state of Maine was nice enough to give me $500 a month TANF to live on while I applied for disability, I crammed 3 roommates in with me to make ends meet, and to help take care of things while I was recovering. And my surgery actually failed, so I'm not even really recovered. Medicare/Medicaid refuse to fund another surgery because the failure rate is still at 50%. So I didn't get my life back. But I did get disability which is $1300 a month so I was relieved to get it. 

I just feel a little useless I guess. I'm not normal, I'm high maintenance. I want to be helpful but I'm limited. Is this really me now?

In retrospect, I should have been outraged instead of defeated, and I should have exploited my situation for the greater good. I should have told my story and started a movement for M4A using myself as an example... If I were a Brit or Canadian I would be fixed by now and back to work. So, in a way, isn't that more American? 

Many people have said I should start a go fund me/kick start or whatever the fuck but I am just too embarrassed to ask for money for anal surgery. I suppose I should research surgeons, maybe it wouldn't hurt to find out how much I would need to raise... UGH! I CAN'T

I just need to get rich and famous with my music I guess.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Administrative Coup To Save The Country From Covid, Since The Government Won't

 1.People who work in DHHS, unemployment and social security need to hack the system, so that everyone receives benefits

2. With everyone on welfare we can shut down every business and remain quarantined long enough for covid to burn out

3. Since administrative/secretarial work is for women and gays, no one will probably even notice