Monday, November 18, 2024

The Internet's Big Sister

 I should be a therapist or social worker for real. With ~12 years of therapy under my belt, I learned so much I feel like I should get an honorary degree! 

And for those people who won't go to therapy or who can't afford to make it happen, well... who can they turn to? They need a big sister to steer them right. Maybe me?

Idk I'm just a natural helper. How do I go about putting that out there? Like, hey if anyone needs a big sister, make an appointment. 

I could call myself a mediator. If you need to settle an argument, call me.

I could call myself a life coach. If you just don't know what to do in any given situation, call me.

Like whenever I go on the dating apps, I end up being every guy's therapist. And they are desperate for someone to listen to them and help them. 

I have grandiose daydreams about having my own talk show- well nowadays it would be a podcast- for those guys, I guess, where I could help people deal with their personal shit while also somehow affecting some sort of shift in social culture, especially the toxic male colonizer culture that so many of my friends have internalized and need to be "big sistered" out of. Maybe people could call/text/email me questions anonymously and I could read them out loud and we, the studio audience/guests/the chat and I, could discuss solutions and come to some sort of cultural conclusions. 

The point is, I am somebody's therapist in real life every day. Why can't this be my job?

How do you want to be helped? If you want anonymous advice or whatever, HOW? Just tell me how. 

Some people prefer to get therapy under the guise of a tarot reading or astrology, which is fine, some people need that to be the catalyst for their therapy. Others hate that and need a different approach. 

Like an advice column/advice podcast/advice channel, we could call it Not All Men? or The Internet's Big Sister, or something that wouldn't scare guys away or make them think its just for women. IDK I'm just spitballin now.

Would the guys from the dating apps even be open to calling an advice podcast?